福建提供ASTM E1590床墊明火檢測服務
易朔產(chǎn)品服務(廈門)有限公司將為您提供專業(yè)的ASTM E1590床墊明火檢測服務,聯(lián)系我們,免費咨詢!
ASTM E1590:2009床墊的火焰測試標準方法(明火)
ASTM E1590:2009 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame)
ASTM E1590:2009床墊的火焰測試標準方法(明火) 簡介:ASTM E1590:2009床墊的火焰測試(明火)是一個對火的反應的測試標準。這種測試方法提供了在通風良好的條件下,指定燃燒火源測定公共用床墊的燃燒行為。
ASTM E1590:2009 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame)
scope: ASTM E1590:2009 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame) is a fire-test-response standard.This test method provides a means of determining the burning behavior of mattresses used in public occupancies by measuring specific fire test responses when the test specimen, a mattress or mattress with foundation, is subjected to a specified flaming ignition source under well ventilated conditions
ASTM E1590:2009床墊的火焰測試標準方法(明火)的相關(guān)標準:
AS 3744.1:1998家具-軟體家具易燃性評估-第1部分:火源-燜燒
AS 3744.1:1998 Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture-Part 1 ignition source: smouldering cigarette
NFPA 261:2009軟體家具模型的燜燒測試
NFPA 261:2009 Standard Method of Test for Determining Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Material Assemblies to Ignition by Smoldering Cigarettes
AS/NZS 4088.1:1996家具及家具裝飾材料的抗燜燒引燃性測試
AS/NZS 4088.1:1996 Upholstery materials for domestic furniture -- Smouldering ignitability
ASTM E1352
ASTM E1352
NFPA 266:1998暴露于火焰源頭的軟墊家具的火焰特征的標準測試方法
NFPA 266:1998 Standard Method of Test for Fire characteristics of upholstered furniture exposed to flaming ignition source
F-18:1988 Full Scale Test Method for Evaluating Upholstered Furniture for Combustion Resistance to Smoldering Cigarettes*