NFPA 115 Standard for Laser Fire Protection
NFPA 115 激光及其設備防火的推薦做法
1.1 Scope.
Work safely around lasers. Bring your knowledge in line with the latest guidelines in the 2008 NFPA 115.
NFPA 115 Laser Fire Protection provides criteria for the safe design, manufacture, installation, and use of lasers and associated equipment. It also contains recommended procedures for training and response to fire emergencies involving lasers.
Changes to the 2008 edition include
· Updated definitions ensure consistency with other NFPA® documents.
· Facilities with lasers used in the immediate vicinity of patients now require staff training on extinguishment.
· Grammatical modifications focus intent of the document.
· References to the UL 2154 standard (no longer in use) have been removed.
(Softbound, 21 pp., 2008)