NFPA 290: Standard for Fire Testing of Passive Protection Materials for Use on LP-Gas Containers
NFPA 290: 使用液化石油氣容器作為被動保護材料火災試驗標準
1.1* Scope. The test described in this procedure shall be used to determine the fire resistance of passive fire protection (PFP) materials applied to the exterior of LP-Gas containers.
Maximize the fire resistance of LP-Gas containers by following the test method in the 2009 NFPA 290.
Follow the criteria in the 2009 NFPA 290: Standard for Fire Testing of Passive Protection Materials for Use on LP-Gas Containers to evaluate the fire performance characteristics of passive protection materials utilized as a component of a liquefied petroleum (LP) gas container. This test method was derived from one that previously appeared in an annex of NFPA 58: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. The purpose of this procedure is to identify thermal protection insulating systems that retard or prevent the release of the container's contents in a fire environment. The 2009 edition contains minor revisions to clarify committee intent. (Softbound, 9 pp., 2009)