ISO19701火災煙氣的取樣和分析方法 – 標準名稱
ISO19701:Methods for sampling and analysis of fire effluents
ISO19701火災煙氣的取樣和分析方法 – 適用范圍
該國際標準不涵蓋氣溶膠和FTIR技術。ISO TC 92 / SC3將在將來的文件中研究對氣體環(huán)境的關注,例如多環(huán)芳烴,二惡英,呋喃,激素干擾物。
This International Standard presents a range of sampling and chemical analytical methods suitable for the analysis of individual chemical species in fire atmospheres. The procedures relate to the analysis of samples extracted from an apparatus or effluent flow from a fire test rig or physical fire test model and are not concerned with the specific nature of the fire test.
This International Standard doesn't cover aerosols (detailed in Reference [3]) and FTIR technique (detailed in Reference [4]. The gases of environmental interest, such as PAH, dioxins, furans, endocrinal disturbers, will be developed in a future document by ISO TC92/SC3.