GB/T 17651.2線纜燃燒煙密度測定 – 標準名稱
GB/T 17651.2 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
GB/T 17651.2電纜或光纜在特定條件下 燃燒的煙密度測定 第2部分:試驗裝置
GB/T 17651.2線纜燃燒煙密度測定 – 適用范圍
This standard specifies the test procedures used to determine the density of smoke emitted when a cable or optical cable is burned under specific conditions, and details the preparation, assembly and combustion methods of the tested cable or optical cable, and recommends the requirements for evaluating the test results.
GB/T 17651.2線纜燃燒煙密度測定 – 相關標準
GB/T 5169.1 電工電子產 品著火危險試驗第4 部分:著火試驗術語
GB/T 17651.1電纜或光纜在特定條件下 燃燒的煙密度測定 第1部分:試驗裝置