EN 50085-2-3:電氣裝置用電纜導管和電纜管道系統.配電箱內安裝的線槽電纜主干系統專門要求.第3節:配電箱內開槽
EN 50085-2-3:Cable Trunking Systems and Cable Ducting Systems for Electrical Installations - Part 2-3: Particular Requirements for Slotted Cable Trucking Systems Intended for Installation in Cabinets
This European Standard specifies requirements and tests for cable trunking systems (CTS) and cable ducting systems (CDS) intended for the accommodation, and where necessary for the electrically protective separation, of insulated conductors, cables and possibly other electrical equipment in electrical and/or communication systems installations. The maximum voltage of these installations is 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. These systems are intended for mounting on walls and/or ceilings. They may be embedded, installed in a flush or semi-flush state, surface mounted or mounted away from the surface using fixing devices. This standard does not apply to conduit systems, cable tray systems, cable ladder systems, power track systems or equipment covered by other standards. This standard shall be used in conjunction with EN 50085-1:2005: Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 1 General requirements which is referred to in this document as Part 1.