DIN 53438:易燃材料的測試
DIN 53438:Testing of combustible materials
Abstract 摘要
DIN 53438-1:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; general date. 可燃材料試驗—用小火焰點火--一般數據
DIN 53438-2:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; edge ignition. 可燃材料試驗—用小火焰點火—邊緣燃燒
DIN 53438-3:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; surface ignition. 可燃材料試驗—用小火焰點火—表面燃燒
DIN 53438將小元件為F1-F3(F1、F2、F3),K1-K3(K1、K2、K3)等級。
S1等級要求: 從噴燈火焰擊中點開始測量,小元件上形成的焰峰不超過15cm.