ISO 12572建筑材料和制品濕熱性能.水蒸氣擴散特性的測定.杯式法—標準名稱
ISO 12572 Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water vapour transmission properties - Cup method
ISO 12572建筑材料和制品濕熱性能.水蒸氣擴散特性的測定.杯式法
ISO 12572建筑材料和制品濕熱性能.水蒸氣擴散特性的測定.杯式法—適用范圍
This document specifies a method based on cup tests for determining the water vapour permeance of building products and the water vapour permeability of building materials under isothermal conditions. Different sets of test conditions are specified.
ISO 12572建筑材料和制品濕熱性能.水蒸氣擴散特性的測定.杯式法—相關標準
ASTM E96/E96M 材料水汽輸送的標準試驗方法/Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
GB/T 17146建筑材料及其制品水蒸氣透過性能試驗方法/Test methods for water vapour transmission properties of building materials and products
ISO 12572建筑材料和制品濕熱性能.水蒸氣擴散特性的測定.杯式法/Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water vapour transmission properties - Cup method
ISO 2528薄頁材料.水蒸氣透濕度(WVTR)的測定.重量法/Sheet materials - Determination of water vapour transmission rate (WVTR) - Gravimetric (dish) method
GB/T1037塑料薄膜和片材透水蒸氣性試驗方法 杯式法/Testmethodforwatervaportransmissionofplasticfilmandsheet—Cupmethod
GB/T 16928包裝材料試驗方法 透濕率/Test method for vapor transmission rate of paclaging materials
JIS Z0208防濕包裝材料透濕度的試驗方法.卡普法/Testing methods for determination of the water vapour transmission rate of moisture-proof packaging materials (dish method)
ASTM D1653有機涂層薄膜水蒸氣滲透性標準試驗方法/Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Organic Coating Films
ASTM F1249紅外法水蒸氣透過率測試/Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor